Sky Forms is a set of beautiful form elements. It has large amount of customized elements, different color schemes, responsive grid system and allows you to create forms of any complexity and for any needs: login, registration, contacts, review, order, comment, checkout, etc.
Contains large amount of customized elements: text inputs, file inputs, selects, multiple selects, textareas, radios, checkboxes, and buttons.
Includes progressive form elements: input with autocomplete, toggles and ratings.
Each color scheme has it's own css file, that can be easily modified for creation your own colors.
Each form element has 6 states: normal, hover, focus, error, success and disabled.
A fully responsive layout that adapts perfectly for all device resolutions like mobiles, tablets and desktops.
Fully responsive and utilizes 6 fluid columns and supports offsets.
Tooltip appears for input or textarea elements (on focus) and has 6 different positions.
Includes beautiful iconic font Font Awesome, created by Dave Gandy.
You can use these examples as a base for creation your own forms simple and fast.
Optimized to support the high quality and crisp graphics on retina screens.
Take full advantage of modern web technologies. Semantic HTML markup and standards compliant CSS.
Tested on Windows (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE8, IE9, IE10), Mac (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera), iOS (iPhone, iPad) and Android.
Extensive step-by-step guide to help you with usage and customization.
To get support please send me an email through the contact form on my profile page.
Products get maintained with improvements and bug fixes.
Let's stars with commonly used forms. All these demos included to the pack and you can use them as a base for creation your own forms.
Each scheme has it's own css file, that can be easily modified to create your own color scheme.
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